Fall is that time of the year when the weather gets a little cooler and a new planting season rolls around. It also brings certain pest like Fall Armyworms. I’m personally dealing with these little boogers right now as they have decided to attack my tomato plants!
Fall Armyworms tend to like Bermuda grass, rye grass, and Fescue grass when it comes to turf. Do you know how the army worm got its name? The army worm got its name from the agriculture side of things. The worms would swoop in and resembled “an army” as it moved across crops, destroying it in VERY large-scale quantities.

The army worm is the larva stage of the Fall Armyworm Moth. This Moth, like other moths has 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The development from egg to larva is usually around 2-3 weeks. These larva then burrow in the ground to pupate, which takes 10-14 days. The adult then starts the life cycle over. Armyworms range in color from brown to gray, but an be distinguished by the strip along their back and the Y between their eyes that is whiteish in color. If Armyworms are attacking your lawn, the spots they have attacked resemble a drought spot. It looks brown, and the sod looks dried out.
How do you get rid of these wonderful pest? Well, in most cases they die once it gets really cold because they can’t survive. Natural remedies include: neem oil, bacillus thuringiensis, pyrethrin, diatomaceous earth, and even Dawn dish soap! Some have also used Vinegar, but this takes many applications. There are of course many different insect killers at stores like Home Depot or Ace Hardware. One we do recommend is called Triazicide Insect Killer. Just follow the directions on the packaging. Remember, not every method guarantees to get rid of Fall Armyworms completely, and every yard is different.
Need Fall landscaping or need new sod after Armyworms have attacked? Give us a call and get on schedule today! Don’t forget to check out the rest of our landscaping services we offer!
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